Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Building the Case to Support Tobacco Cessation

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Webinar Date: Friday, June 28, 2013, 1:00-2:30 pm Eastern

Speaker: Chad Morris, PhD, Director, Behavioral Health and Wellness Program, University of Colorado

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Almost half of the 430,000 deaths in the U.S. annually are from tobacco-related disease, and nearly half of these deaths occur in persons with behavioral health disorders. Persons with mental illness consume over 34% of all cigarettes smoked and smoke 2-4 times the rate of the general population while receiving far less tobacco cessation support. With its focus on addictions prevention, National Council offers training in how to screen, assess, and treat tobacco dependence. This webinar shows behavioral health organizations how to build the case for integrating tobacco cessation into standard practice by obtaining buy-in from board members, staff, and persons served. Value-based and business development perspectives are discussed. Join us to learn why tobacco cessation is essential to health reform and other emerging standards of care and how to overcome common concerns like competing demands, staff apprehension, and potential loss of business.

Learn more about upcoming webinars at

1 comment:

  1. Smoking is so dangerous that the stench of cigarette is repulsive to non-smoker.
    Moreover, it wastes a lot of money. So all of us irrespective of caste, creed, colour,
    religion and age should launch a massive campain against smoking.

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