Thursday, May 1, 2014

AAS Creates Landmark Division Representing Suicide Attempt Survivors

As a result of determined advocacy by suicide attempt survivors, the American Association of Suicidology recently announced the creation of “a new division to represent people with lived experience and suicide attempt survivors and the people who love and care about them.” 
Another breakthrough was a recent story about suicide attempt survivors in The New York Times; for the story, click here. For a Boston Globe story on the same subject, click here. For more information about suicide attempt survivors’ organizing efforts, click here. For the AAS blog “Life after Suicidal Thinking,” click here
For a blog by attempt survivor and activist Cara Anna, click here. For Dese’rae Stage’s Live Through This website, click here
At the same time, a recent blog post in The New Yorker noted that, “between 1999 and 2010, the number of Americans between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-four who took their own lives rose by almost thirty per cent. Among young people in the U.S., suicide is the third most common cause of death; among all Americans, suicide claims more lives than car accidents, which were previously the leading cause of injury-related death.”

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