(note from blogg editor-I know nothing about this organization, I am just passing this on. Please investigate before resoponding!)
Once again, we are hosting the 9th Annual BrainStorm Poetry Contest for mental health consumers, and we wanted to make sure your organization knew about it. The contest, which is a fundraiser for our literary magazine Open Minds Quarterly, is run each year to showcase the best in consumer poetry. I’ve attached a brochure that includes the rules and entry form; please feel free to circulate either by email or by paper copies. The deadline for entries to arrive here at our office is Friday, March 18, 2011.
More details about the contest can be found here on our website. The entry form can also be downloaded from our site.
If you have any questions about the contest or our magazine – or you wish to be removed from our mailing list -- please feel free to contact me.
With my regards,
Dinah Laprairie
Editor/Publisher, Open Minds Quarterly
NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action
680 Kirkwood Dr. Bldg. 1
Sudbury ON P3E 1X3
705.675.9193, Ext. 8286

NISA is an organization run by and for consumers of mental health services. We develop occupational skills, nurture self-confidence and provide resources for recovery, by creating opportunities for participants to contribute to their own well-being and that of their community.
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